Do you guys have higher tolerance to buggy bs? Are you all gaslighting people to get higher adoption? Does it just work? If so… How??

I’ve tried about every distro in multiple different laptops/desktops, amd gpus, basically every possible idea and there’s always weird ass bugs and issues and a ton of involuntary learning involved.

edit. Any chances you guys could suggest me one setup that “just works” no ifs and no buts? Or does it not exist in the Linux world?

edit2. Since people are asking for specifics I’m going to pick one random distro I’ve tried recently and list the issues I’ve had:

  • On Arch fresh install with archinstall, everything default pmuch:

Immediately greeted with this. thread discussing it here.

I could live with that though, kinda…

Gnome apps in Arch are taking multiple seconds to open/tab back into and freezing, no idea how to debug it.

Could also live with it…

The killer one is that the battery life just sucks badly. about 15W idling with tlp, for comparison Debian with tlp gives me sub 5Watts. But again, Debian comes with a whole different set of issues.

I’ve only listed the one I’ve tried most recently, but the experience is similar with all distros I’ve tried.

    3 months ago

    if you’re unfamiliar with Linux and do not want to deal with a lot of troubleshooting you shouldn’t use arch. You chose a distro that comes with a very minimal configuration, which makes it your job to get a lot of it working. It’s also a rolling release, apps will update more often and with less testing, meaning you’re likely to experience bugs.

      3 months ago

      On the other hand if you stick with it youll learn a lot more about how Linux works.

        3 months ago

        What OP is doing is trying to learn how to drive a car on a busy highway with an instructor on the phone. It’s not going to be pretty.