i like rhythmbox a lot and it’s so great to use it as a music player but most of my music files don’t even have any metadata it’s just “song-name-author.opus” so it’s a lot for me which is why i would use vlc instead yea!!! but anyway ummm why does xfce or gnome use rhythmbox??
Nothing beats playing just what you want, when you want, whether or not there’s internet available and at the highest quality you can afford. Quodlibet/Rythmbox, ID3 and puddletag FTW !!.
I like a combo of FLAC + mpd/ncmpcpp, and running everything through Picard for tagging.
When I’m on the go (car or foot) I use a Hiby R4 DAP with VLC, and the collection translates flawlessly.
Also, scrobble all the things to libre.fm