Fudoshin ️🏳️‍🌈

Careful. I bite. Rampantly homosexual. Massively depressed. Don’t take what I say too seriously, I’m probably having a wind up.

  • 12 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 18th, 2024


  • Section 28 in the UK which banned the “promotion” of homosexuality in schools fucked up a lot of kids in the 90s including me. Thankfully it was repealed.

    Don’t let America go that route. You’ll cause more harm by restricting discussion of sexuality.

    As a young teen I thought my attraction to my classmates meant I was a paedophile. It resulted in me cutting, burning and hitting myself whenever I wanked to anything gay as a form of ‘DIY conversation therapy’.

    I still have the scars at 40 and I only properly came out as gay at 38 after years of self hate.

    All I would have needed is a person in authority like a teacher or parent to say “same sex attraction is normal” or “fancying your same sex mates doesn’t make you a pedo - you may just be gay”.

    I know it sounds fucking dumb to hear as an adult but as a confused, angsty, pubescent teen who grew up pre-internet* it made sense that I was perverted, evil and broken.

    *The internet doesn’t necessarily make it easier for teens to confirm themselves. They could just as easily fall into the same mindset as me due to misinformation rather than ignorance.

  • Pissed, hammered, spannered, rat-arsed, bollocksed, badgered, smashed, away with the fairies, banjaxed, tired and emotional, battered, can’t lie down without holding on, comfortably numb, drunk as a Lord/Judge, steaming, twatted, wasted, three sheets tut wind, lagered up, leathered, legless, pickled, off your tits/face/trolley, out yer tree, pissed as a fart, wellied, sayin hello to Mr Armitage, shit-faced, trollied, utterly carparked, etc, etc.

  • It was surprisingly nice! I’ve never been a fan of cooking. Food is more of a chore to me so I just throw whatever I need together into a bowl and eat it.

    I noticed I’m not getting much protein so decided to chuck my 2 highest protein foods into a bowl with a waffle to dry it a bit.

    The mackerel and cheese went together quite well. A kind of sour-sharp flavour with a slight sweetness from the sauce.

    I’d eat it again. 👍