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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 6th, 2023


  • I love all the stuff you have posted, I just have one small correction, methane has about a 30x stronger GHG effect than CO2. I also believe we are fully cooked for all the reasons you laid out. It’s honestly keeping me quiet a bit more calm during the current shit show in the USA.

    Even in the worst possible case scenario with that, they will get 10-20 years of ruling at best before they are undone by their own hubris. I really think that in the next decades hurricanes are going to go ape shit and one will actually LEVEL Miami. I mean shit, with sea water rising and flooding skyscraper basements, eating away at concrete and steel, a strong enough hurricane could topple one right over.

  • How long does it take to build a reactor: 15-25 yrs each Main component of construction: Concrete, a major contributor to CO2 emissions How many would we need to produce the energy required to run carbon capture infrastructure: ~1500

    For your alternative, it has more merits but the main drawbacks come down to where do you grow it, and how does that effect the environment around it. Growing a shitton of kelp is going to create problems with nutrition in that area. I like this method most but the scalability is still a major problem. The amount you would need to grow is STAGGERING. I don’t know how we could do that and still have any coastal sea left open. Maybe massive floating barges in the open ocean.