God this platform is insufferable. Lemmy is always “Linux is god, windows is satan; iPhone bad, android good” on every post and it’s unbelievably cringe. I can see why this platform still has a tiny amount of users. The elitism is as bad as Reddit vs iFunny/Imgur/whatever a decade ago.
Apollo for Reddit died. Came here as it was supposedly a better experience. Used to be super active and use Reddit for hours a day for nearly a decade, now I barely use this platform at all as it’s insufferable and tiny tbh. The Linux Cultism here is off the charts and cringe as fuck, the communities are tiny and spammy and bloat the All page, so I block users and communities every day, and it’s been a pretty mediocre experience here for the year I’ve used it. Reddit is ofc a crapshoot now so it’s not worth going back, so I just use this platform for maybe 5-10m a day and that’s all my social media browsing for the day. So Reddit dying and not being replaced with a decent alternative actually cracked my addiction for endless scrolling which is super nice.