Welcome to the world. There are strange things all over. Sit back and enjoy laughing at the ride.
Welcome to the world. There are strange things all over. Sit back and enjoy laughing at the ride.
You are both right and wrong there.
You need different opinions in your life, otherwise your echo chamber will tend to move to more extremist. Pretty soon you think those “others” are evil and so you are willing for anti-democracy coups by your side, or to fight wars to kill those infidels or other evil things. You need a steady input of other opinions to remind yourself that reasonable people can disagree and that is okay.
Also sometimes you are wrong. Few people have the guts to read a well reasoned opinion and admit they are wrong, but it is one you should be willing for.
Of course there is far more possible opinions than you have time to read. So eventually you have to say I don’t have time to deal with this subject and shut it out. So long as you avoid the problems of an echo chamber they are fine. Be aware of them though and make sure you are not falling into those traps anytime you shut something out.
Watching sports is a useful activity when you confined to a hospital bed for a month or two as has happened to people I know. In one case they wouldn’t be allowed to game, even sports were in danger of being too exciting for their condition.
The game most of the world calls “football” is called “soccer” in the US. We have a very popular game we call “football” in the US that is unrelated to “soccer”, instead it is related to rugby (still very different from rugby, but there is a relation)
Cutting dovetails implies by hand - power tools exist for it, but those using power tools generally use different joints.
Watching someone cut a dovetail by hand is a lot more interesting now that I know from experience how hard it is. And maybe I’ll learn a trick to make my next ones better.
I can only watch so much football as can a rare other people like me. If I am watching football I want the view of one position. I don’t care that the quarterback got sacked on the play, how did the running back avoid the defense in his attempts to become open for a pass - or some such that I want to emulate when I next play. (i think that is a likely thing - I consider football too dangerous to play so I’m guessing - in reality I’d prefer to see other sports that I’m likely to play)
edit: spelling
A friend with a good set of tools. Who you can trade labor with. Many car tasks need 2 people so if you can hang out with someone else working on their car and they return the favor you are greatly ahead. Not only that but you will teach each other (well at the start that person will teach you - do plenty of work to pay them for their effort to teach you).
After that tool do you need for the current job that either your friend doesn’t have or you use so often it is worth having your own. Every car has its own set of special tools that are not used for any other car you will ever have but you need it to do some job. You will need several torque wrenches as they have different ranges, but you won’t need them all for the first project.
Better than the Haynes manual, buy the factory service manual - they are generally $200 or so, but they are so much better than Haynes that it is worth the cost.
Good companies also know who is generating value and ensure they won’t leave.
Note that I specified GOOD there. A lot of companies are not good.
Good companies will notice and ensure you get a larger raise.
Finding a good company is a hard problem though.
We save money on potato peelers because the right handed people in the family use the other side of the blade and so it lasts twice as wrong.
Downside is right harders want to trade peelers with us not realizing that there are right handers in the family and so ours are dull on both sides.
Contribute to some other game that already exists if possible. that is the power of open source - when many people over many years come together to work on all the tedious details to make a complex polished game free from market pressure. When you do many choices have already been made for you, so they can tell you where to start. Want to add a new puzzle, put a picture on some wall, or whatever - they will tell you how to do that.
If nothing is like your idea you can start from scratch. Likewise sometimes the existing people involved in the game are jerks and you need to start over or fork - but are you sure it is them and not you. These are not ideal cases though and should be avoided. Much better to work with others if possible.
If you start from scratch you should be thinking about what game engine to write in. You can write a game from scratch in raw code, but in general step one is picking your engine and then living with the limits of that engine.
10k needs to be reported to federal authorities, which is annoying but not a big deal. They would someone prefer you to withdraw less, but they won’t tell you this as withdrawing just under 10k a few times to escape reporting is a bigger deal than a single larger withdrawal that must be reported. (come to think of it, this 10k number is 20 years old, probably changed since)
When dealing with that much money It is generally best to work electronically. There are logs of what happened so if there is trouble investigators can figure it out. Cash is anonymous and so if there are problems you have less ability to catch whoever stole it. I’m assume that your need for money is legal of course.
Serviced by three men (I’ve seen women doing the job too), one to sit in the armored vehicle holding a gun but otherwise bored; one to old a gun and watch the work but mostly looking bored; and one to open the machine and replace the cash. The first two are there to keep the person doing the work honest and be ready if someone attempts a robbery (have 40k in cash makes them a target). That is in a safe office building, I’m sure they have stricter policies in bad neighborhoods.
That is rare but if they really did that the job becomes non trivial. I’d still do it mysely, but I know how to do tile - it isn’t hard but this is now a month long project.
No, but most replacement parts are semi universal parts that can be adjusted to fit the vast majority. However you need to know what toilet you have as each almost universal part doesn’t fit something another one will. Odds are you have a common toilet that any universal part fits - but there are toilets that are not compatible ith anything.
before doing anything though should you replace the whole thing is a question worth asking. do you prefer a round or engladed bowl; what about the height; maybe you want one without stains; or a low water use version that works? It wouldn’t cost much more to replace the whole thing with one that fits you better.
They won’t. While it is unknown if there is intelaigent alien life it is known that none is anywhere close. When distances are measured in tens of lightyears for close thing they can’t get here and back in time to make a difference. Most distances are measured something much larger. Just the milkyway is 25 thousand lightyears to cross.
note that are farthest detectable radio waves have gone maybe 100 lightyears: odds are your are dead before they know we are here.
Most Christian think of it like a cartoon. At least from what I can tell. Nobody actually seems to believe Peter is at the gates, but it is sometimes fun/useful to pretend that is what happens instead of trying to figure out what the judgement day really means (we often think of that like a court room with God as the judge and jury, but the scripture is not clear and so it isn’t really any more correct that Peter at the gates)
I’m not surprised. They are very hard to make correctly and not that much better than other options that are easier to do. they are a “holy grail” of wood working skill for a reason. I’ve done a dozen in my life and the best is so awful I want to burn an otherwise nice creation to hide the evidence.