So it’s all projection…
deleted by creator
And fartin’ up a storm.
And you just know he’s got some rank-ass hamberder farts too. The White House staff must’ve been airing the place out for weeks when that stinky fuck left office. My sympathies go out to anyone stuck in that courtroom with Trump for however long this case lasts… Except for the defense of course. Let those mfers huff away.
I wonder if it is possible to be held in contempt if you just keep farting nonstop in court
You can be held in contempt for anything disruptive, so if it’s deliberate and can be proven then yes.
You almost just killed me right now. Literally couldn’t breathe xD
Same for the people in court next to Farty McTrumpPants too, probably x’D
Hamberder and Filet-o-Fish
*Fish Delight
Let’s be real. Diaper Don is straight up shitting himself
Is there someone there checking his diaper too? The big fat baby needs a changing.
I prefer the term “Drowsy Donald.”
Yeah, I’ve seen Drowsy Don a lot too. It’s alliterative, so it works well. On the other hand “Sleepy Joe” was his term for Biden
Sleepy Don
He’s 77 years old, I’m hardly surprised
Nobody is surprised, but when you nickname your political opponent “sleepy joe” to deride his age and ability to stay attentive, publicly falling asleep at something you need to stay attentive to over and over and over again is worth pointing out.
How many ‘again’ s are we at now
What is this, elementary school? This is news?
Yes, yes it is news.
No former President has ever been brought to trial for a crime before.
A major Presidential candidate who is unable to function is also news.
So we should make fun of his medical conditions and call him a big dumb poopy butt? This kind of dismissive, glib, ultimately humanizing to his follower content got him elected on the first place.
I’m not standing up for him, but goddamn if we aren’t repeating history.
So we should make fun of his medical conditions and call him a big dumb poopy butt?
No one is making fun of a medical condition. People are making fun of a man, who has made attacking his opponent for being old and tired a central theme of his campaign, hypocritically falling asleep during a fucking criminal trial.
As the article notes, he is selling himself as a strong man opposed to Biden who is old and weak and tired. Any chance the media has to strip that pathetic and empty veneer off is good for the country, especially if it draws more attention to his criminal trial where he tried to bribe someone to help him win an election.
call him a big dumb poopy butt?
That’s not actually in the article.
His followers knew he was a terrible person in 2016. There were literally hundreds of examples of his atrocious behavior; everything from the pussy gabber tape to calling not getting VD in his tomcat days his ‘personal Vietnam.’
Calling him a big dumb poopy butt IS pretty funny
Of course it’s news! It highlights the fact that Trump cannot pay attention for any meaningful period of time. How can a man who can’t stay awake when his future is at stake pay attention when it’s our future at stake?
Everything about Donald Trump is news you have to look at it all the time it’s super interesting everyone clicks on it make sure you upvote like And subscribe