What fonts are you currently using on your system? Which do you think is best for the terminal or for your desktop environment?
(updates) Ok I think I’m a fan of Ubuntu nerd fonts right now
Noto Sans for sans-serif text (and the OS)
It’s legible, standard-looking and support about every writing system in the world. You can install it on Debian using# apt install fonts-noto
, some others like-cjk
help with the “supports about every writing system in the world”-aspect.Merriweather for the serif font fallback for the browser, as well as TTRPG campaign printouts
It’s very legible, and looks quite sexy for a serif font. There’s no package for it currently (although AUR and Nix users might have better luck), it has to be downloaded from Google FontsJetBrains Mono for the terminal TUI’s
It looks a bit playful, like lego-letters, is legible and supports about every writing system in the world.# apt install fonts-jetbrains-mono
.Although I use…
Verdana for source code
It differentiates every character well and leaves enough space to easily recognise special characters such as brackets. And I don’t believe monospace fonts are more legible. It’s included inttf-mscorefonts-installer
but the font is not open-source.Personally, whatever is default.
I know that may sound weird, but I’m a huge fan of sane defaults that I don’t even notice are there.
Poppins, RobotoMono, Comfortaa and OpenDyslexic
Biolinum O for desktop
Liberation Mono for terminal
SegoeUI, it’s damn good and well made
Protomolecule for that scifi feel
Protomolecule everywhere? 0.o
Scifi fonts remind me of old Rainmeter configurations. Wonder if Rainmeter ricing is still around
🟨 preview: Protomolecule
As a huge expanse fan, I’m glad someone brought this to life! (Shout-out for the space the nation podcast if you like nerds breaking down the episodes and need a good back catalog for the dark winter days)
Please don’t hate me but for desktop I use Segoe UI. After years of using it everything else looks just kinda off and cheap to me. Similar to when folder icons are not yellow
It is a well-designed system font. Say what you will about Microsoft but they do know how to make a good font or two.
Inter for desktop and the nerd-font variant of JetBrainMono for Terminal.
Inter everywhere
I’ve been a fan of IBM Plex for a while now.
Sorry to judge them on this, but what an awful website!
The font is cool, though!
Since basically forever I use DejaVu Sans for UI elements and DejaVu Mono for the terminal.
I’ve been enjoying Fira Sans and Fira Mono for far too long: https://mozilla.github.io/Fira/
Whatever the default font is