I mean, it’s almost the entire service and retail economy. Shout out to the driver of the truck that did the delivery to the supermarket of the turkey you’ll poop out the next day. We owe everything to everyone.
Merry Christmas and may your next poop be a blessed one.
Plumbers, electricians, homebuilders, sanitation workers, and electrical workers. Who’d I miss?
Thank you all for a fine poopie.
I mean, it’s almost the entire service and retail economy. Shout out to the driver of the truck that did the delivery to the supermarket of the turkey you’ll poop out the next day. We owe everything to everyone.
Merry Christmas and may your next poop be a blessed one.
Smartphone factory workers and Internet network engineers.
Shampoo bottle sticker makers
I regret not growing up in a Dr Bronners household.
Dilute! Dilute! Ok!