Despite spending a lifetime living with this reality, it still seems so fucking wild to me that one of the two major political parties in this country is just entirely peopled with assholes. It’s like they have a secret competition amongst themselves to see who is the biggest bag of dicks.
The thing I don’t get is who wakes up in the morning and goes to work for those assholes? I hate to say it, but I think they might be assholes too. I’m starting to worry it might be assholes all the way down.
Oh, it 100% is. If being a total fuck knuckle didn’t consistently get them like ~50% of the national vote, Republicans would pivot. But they’ve realized that the worse they are, the more votes they can squeeze out of the hateful pieces of shit who infect us like a cancer.
What about the people that vote for these asshats?
a mixed group. assholes among them, sure. But also the mentally deficient and weak willed. Those who are easily swayed by rage and propaganda. People who are under-educated and imbalanced.
That’s a big overlap with assholes and hats, yes, but not just assholes.
Representative democracy representing huge parts of the population. People are as always a disappointment.
Who said anything about people? We’re talking about conservatives (AKA racist, homophobic, misogynist bigots).
Unfortunately, places with huge tracts of land, with few people, but a majority of cons, gets an outsized say in things, too.
"she’s rich, she’s beautiful, she’s got huge… tracks of land!*
She will do what with a bag of dicks?
(no Lindsay, sit down. Don’t get excited now…)
Republican candidate for Missouri Secretary of State Valentina Gomez – who rages at all things “weak and gay”
So much Boomer energy. Too bad it can’t be used for anything other than hate.
If anything, it seems more Greatest Generation energy, but that’s harder to say.
Boomer energy
the fuck are you on about?
“Ok boomer” and “boomer energy” aren’t directed at boomers, necessarily, they started as replies to young people saying old fashioned things.
Like, for example, hating gay people.
Boomer is a mindset.
It’s bigotry based on ageism. It’s not fundamentally different from homophobia.
Maybe Boomers shouldn’t have fucked the world and every younger generation.
Oh the ‘world fucking’ started way before the boomers. But the boomers sure didn’t help things.
Seems like they adopted the world fucking, transformed it, and diversified it into new areas. World fucking used to be about war, finance, manufacturing, and pollution. Now it’s about war, finance, media, fashion, manufacturing, the internet, politics, tech, society, food supplies, religion, pollution, and making the rich feel better about themselves.
Yes it is, because “boomers,” by definition of the word’s intended memetic use, are old yes, but more specifically they are old rich people in power. Using “boomer” as an insult doesn’t hurt them. Meanwhile the actual boomers are literally trying to stigmatize and criminalize queerness. It’s the same logic that makes it ok (encouraged even) to be racist against white people, it just doesn’t affect us.
I thought you called others snowflakes? You’re sure acting like one
Nope. It’s the paradox of tolerance in action. Try to keep up…
People who punch down will always play the victim when someone punches up.
You aren’t born a boomer and not be able to do anything about it though…
Did you drop the /s?
A boomer is literally anyone born in the US between 1945 and1959.
Didn’t the boomers do Stonewall, by the way? And plays like Hair? And books/shows like Tales Of the City?
Not sure how that generation ended up getting pinned with this stuff, but they (due to their size) were able to start putting a dent in the universe, if you will.
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Not only is she a piece of shit homophobe, she’s yet another person who watched one season of women’s college basketball, has not paid attention to the WNBA at all, and is suddenly an expert on the players in the WNBA.
Mostly off topic, but I do appreciate that Caitlin Clark has made a lot of people actually care about one women’s sport that previously only pretended to care for the sake of being nasty to trans people.
I saw a comment on that bastion of reasonable well thought out dialogue, Yahoo, that asserted if Caitlyn Clark were black, she’d be on the team.
To this I questioned where on the roster Angel Reese resides.
The US team is on a streak of what, seven or eight gold medals? I’ll leave it to their organizers as to whom they would like to play.
People think the Olympics is about them. It’s not. People even think the Olympics is about countries and its not that either. It’s about human athletic endeavor, or how a person can push themselves through training and dedication.
Therefore, the most important opinion should come from the person themselves. What did Caitlyn Clark say? She said she didn’t mind at all, and it gave her a goal for the future. In addition, she said in effect, “go team”. Why? Because obviously the young woman knows about sportsmanship and has a lot of class.
This is unlike those that try for whatever reason who project themselves into her shoes. Shoes that would never fit them. Hell, I’ll say it…they couldn’t carry her jock strap. That woman can throw dimes from the logo all day,
People think the Olympics is about athletics. It’s not. It’s about corporate sponsors and construction contracts.
It’s weird to call Brittney Griner “weak and gay” when she’s clearly very strong and gay.
Also, basically no rookie should be on the Olympic Squad. For one thing, the Team USA minicamp (or whatever it’s called) is during the NCAA Tournament so they miss that. Then, because the calendars aren’t aligned, they get basically no off-season to recover before the WNBA season starts. She probably doesn’t need another tournament to play in in 2024.
Caitlin Clark is better off being a rookie, learning to play physical basketball against grown ass women, and making her Olympic debut at the Los Angeles games. Every conservative dipshit can cry tears of pure racist joy when she wins a gold medal against France or whomever.
Also, I’m an LSU fan who doesn’t even root for Caitlin Clark. I bet on South Carolina in the final because I thought it’d be funny if she lost to a second SEC team. It’s absurd that a hater like me has to be the one saying, “Be patient, let her develop, get enough rest, and she maybe can be the best ever.”
This is your face on GOP!
Modem sound
This looks like a screenshot of a very badly animated AI.
This is probably an unpopular take but I still feel like trading “The Lord of War” international arms dealer for a wnba player feels like we left a lot behind on the table of that particular deal.
Yo bitch your dog whistle is actually just a regular whistle
Yeah, okay. Send an American back to a Russia run by a dictator. The GOP version of “patriotic”.
Also, something something lesbian. I think the woman doth protest too much.
100% self hating lesbian.
This is a completely normal position to advocate. /s
I think I have to say this carefully.
As a member of two protected DEI classes, Ms Gomez may want to go lightly on the “those people” talk.
I hope she realizes her status now is only after a hard-fought battle that is still going on, and she’s on the wrong side.
No taksie backsie
Russia, probably
That underbite though, what a mouth breather lol