Just throw a “I’m Kamala Harris and I approve this message” on the end of that, 1 commercial, in the bag. Next.
I honestly don’t understand why they don’t do that all the time.
With how much Trump criticizes Trump, you’d think it’d be easy approval.
It’s called Vampire Effect and it’s a real problem with commercials featuring celebrities, because people tend to remember the person, but not the message/product. So showing clips of Trump would just give him even more exposure.
Ohh, that makes sense.
I can see why they don’t do it for paid commercials but it should definitely be on their streaming channel so that it can be shared and go viral.
It’s only a matter of time until a campaign understands the power that can be unleashed by a couple bored interns.
Open with clip - “15 years ago I was DA of San Fransisco.” Transition to clip of Trump saying this stupid." – crowd applause as it fades to, “I approve this message”
She’s done that one already
What a Dotard.
Next thing you know, he’ll be saluting North Korean generals.
…and rubbing big middle eastern glowing balls.
Context incase anyone needs to see this; https://www.politico.com/story/2018/06/14/trump-north-korea-general-salute-646248
in case
what would it be referring to if it was just incase? 😈
Lol, did you look at your link?
The definition doesn’t match, but a lot of the examples do. The examples also contain other misspellings:
I wanted to share this with you incase you struggle with a smiler thing.
Probably because encase is the typical spelling of the defined word.
I heard him say she’s more beautiful than Melania.
That’s nothing. How many Ivankas does it take to make a Kamala?
Arizona searching for man threatening to kill Trump.
Is that what Fox News is running now?
I bet every state he goes to now they are saying that.
Putting aside my opinions of trump and fox, I do believe that threat was legitimate. I was watching a few different news channels last night and while idr which one mentioned it, they did say that the secret service had cut his Arizona presser short due to a credible violent threat. Some non-fox new outlets are also reporting on the arrest of the suspect:
There are always copycats and I’m sure there are more than one crazy who is looking to prove they can succeed where another failed.
For sure. The other charges against this particular person include: a DUI, a skipped court date, a hit and run, and failing to register as a sex offender. Everyone is entitled to a fair trial, but if I’m speculating, this guy doesn’t have the best record of character and I don’t think it’s far-fetched to believe he made credible death threats on social media.
And Obama was president
He was a democrat at the time too, right?
In the 90s he said if he ever ran for office he wasn’t sure which side he would run on. I think he said he would run for whichever party was stupid enough.
15 years ago he wasn’t talking about that. That was 2009, and he had his little TV show that made him look and feel like an important man.
He got on camera, and stated that he would run as a republican because they are so dumb.
I believe this turned out to be false
He got on camera, and stated that he would run as a republican because they are so dumb.
I believe this turned out to be false
No, no, they really are.
I believe I watched the video way before AI was ever introduced back in 2015-2016.
Id love to see that if you have a link?
HERE is a link stating what I said was “false”. However, I do recall watching a video where he said this way back in 2015. It was one of the reasons me and my buddies shat so hard on conservatives. This was before voice replication was as good as it is now. I just don’t see how I can remember watching it, hearing it, and subsequently shitting on anyone who wanted to vote for him, since it is supposedly false, but I guess you guys are right.
Could be a mandela effect. It’s definitely aligned with his character.
Trump is whatever he thinks he needs to be at any one time that gets him the most.
Yes. He also donated to Kamala when she was AG of CA.
I guess a broken clock is right every once in a while.
When politicians make changes to things, the changes affect the future. 🤔
So the good economy during Trump’s administration was Obama’s accomplishment, and the inflation during Biden’s presidency was Trump’s fault? Works for me.
Unironically yes.
And as for San Francisco, its problem is rapid and astronomical increase in wealth without sufficient accommodation. If my city became the hotbed of the new it industry I’d be screaming about the need for massive investment in affordable housing and public transit because otherwise it’s gonna wind up filled with homeless locals
The inflation was the result of our pandemic response including:
- Printing tons of new money, which was given to corporations and the upper middle class
- Forcibly shutting down small businesses, leaving the large survivors with less competition