My favorite part of the video is that Trump keeps trying to do this stupid fucking power move where he gives a firm handshake and refuses to let go. Newsom was ready for it and Trump had to forcibly pull his hand away.
Edit: Sorry for not being clear. There is a link to a tweet in the article that has the video.
What’s up with the weird lean?
That’s what happens when you wear giant lifts in your shoes because you’re a little bitch obsessed about your height.
Lol, the fact Newsome has no lifts (and no tall hat) and is still taller is actually hilarious. I don’t like Newsome much, but this is a great metaphor for California vs Trump.
Look at trumps HEELS!!!
Lots of people wear heals all the time and don’t lean forward like this. Something is wrong with Trumps health, and they’re hiding it.
Every time I see him, he looks more and more like a gas station hotdog that’s been on the rollers since 1979. I don’t think they’re hiding shit.
Don’t you think he looks tired?
Correct, nothing is hidden, his voters just don’t care.
That’s after everything they’ve done to hide it.
First term, it was speculated it was an early sign of dementia or some shit. This image and this video of him walking down a slope. His handlers making him take a cognitive test that gave us “person, woman, camera, tv”
It’s telling that “Person” and “Woman” are opposites in his world
Maybe, but he was doing that in his first term too.
Yes, bcz whatever is wrong with him, he’s had it for a while.
I wonder if he has gout.
Probably not, there are a bunch of medical conditions that lead to a hunched forward posture like his. None of them are gout (in my 15 minute googling exercise)
He has the stance of the front half of a centaur. It’s kinda hilarious, and you can’t un-see that.
The man lives on KFC and MCD food so of course something is/has been wrong with his health.
Yep, claims to be 6’3" and the pic of him next to Biden they looked to be the same height. Biden is listed at 6’0".
Wait, are you saying he’s not growing even taller with age? He should probably start saying he’s 6’5" - that’d make America really great again.
Anyway, if that asshat is 6’3", I’m 6’6".
🎶Donny, are you okay? Are you okay, Donny?🎶
You’ve been grabbed by
You’ve been grabbed by a dumb criminal
lord diaper does that because of the lifts in his shoes and to try to hide his outa shape, berder-filled gut
No, it is a sign of dementia.
He does it a lot, actually. I’m fairly convinced it’s a sign that he has a disorder of some sort as discussed in this salon article from 2020.
Youtube video here. You can see he stands with the same kind of lean (starting about 0:30) and keeps wobbling the whole time. The wobble gets very pronounced after he walks up to the wreath (around the 2:15 mark). As for the arm movements described above, you can see some good examples starting after the 4:15 mark. There’s also an earlier point at the 2:28 mark where you can see him suddenly clench his left hand on his right wrist as if to hold it in place.
I really think the man is not well and he is basically a puppet for the far-right and all those billionaires.
Couldn’t happen to a worse person. Same as Reagan and his alzheimers. Old Nancy throated everyone around to keep Reagan. Don’t think Melanie cares. Elon giving Vance fresh couches everyday I guess.
He does it to try and hide his girthy belly. He thinks it makes him look more powerful. But like everything he does, it just makes him look weak and pathetic.
Yeah, it’s definitely to make it look like he’s not as fat as he is for cameras only taking pictures of him head on.
I always thought it was because he’s fat, so he leans forward to hide his huge belly. Works pretty well from the front where most pictures of him are taken.
Judging by the (presumably) vertical structures in the distance, the photo is tilted 4–5 degrees CCW.
So, I put a piece of paper over their feet and lined it up with the horizon of the pavement so I have a better visual reference. He’s still got the lean.
The “horizon” of the pavement isn’t horizontal—the airstrip is receding into the distance, with the far end behind Newsom. And the actual horizon is hilly, so it can’t be relied on, either—that’s why I think the vertical structures are a better indication of true up and down.
And of course Trump is leaning forward to hide his belly like he always does, but what makes the photo look so weird is that everyone behind him seems to be leaning to a lesser extent. If you turn the photo CW by 4 or 5 degrees, the two men by the stairs are standing straight while Trump and Newsom are both leaning toward each other. (It also becomes clear that Newsom is taller than Trump, even with the latter’s boosted heels—the original tilted photo makes them seem closer in height.)
I rotated the image in GIMP so the USAF guy is standing at a reasonably normal-looking angle. 0.957446809 is still leaning forward.
And significantly shorter.