i am still waiting to get a head, am i supposed to pay for it?
No you’re supposed to be unflinchingly self centered, greedy, and dishonest. The key to getting a head is having other people work, and you walk away with all the money. One of the best ways to do this is market disruption. Think of a job people do that costs money for the the person paying for the service or goods, now imagine no one gets paid to do the job. Taxi driver? What if you started an app where people could pay for a ride but the driver is paid next to nothing with no job security, and you keep as much of it money as possible. Get creative! Doctors? What if an app gave you free AI based medical advice and Rx meds? But you don’t need to pay a hospital or medical staff, and you keep all the money.
Normally your born with a head as it houses the brain and you can’t live without one!
Typical indicators of headlessness may include inability to think clearly, vertigo, deaf- or blindness, and in serious cases, death.
If you think you’re experiencing headlnessness, gesture wildly towards the doctor’s office to a friend. If you are also experiencing armlessness, please press #2.
I don’t think that’s uniquely american, though…?
In fact many countries including China and Mexico have more hours worked on average.
Surprised to see Japan at ~40
Its probably debatable how accurate it is but as for Japan it makes sense as an Average if a lot of people work part time or very little while other people work a lot more.
I remember a demographic study a few years back about qol negative correlation with average workweek and one of the top hours worked was over 70 in singapore.
It’s the salarymen that work themselves to death. There are specific companies that have horrendous work culture, but many others that do not.
Work themselves to death doing fake work because looking busy is more important than being productive.
Well that goes without saying ofc lol
This was me, I was working four jobs - all part-time, just one with a steady schedule, with two of them where I was doing IT work for way too little money. About a year into this insanity, I suffered a stroke.
I’m on social security disability now and I’m down not-that-much vs working my ass off and being a bitch for everyone. Life is shit, and then you die.
Shit man, sorry to hear that, Until recently I was doing the grinding and working one and a half jobs and that shit was already killing me, that’s about 60hours a week, I can’t imagine doing more than that, whenever I hear some Americans talking about 80hour work weeks I think that’s goddamn mental.
I recently also read a study that working over 55 hours a week like skyrockets your chances of CVDs, stroke, heart attack, one of the main reasons I stopped.
Pray St. Elon has mercy upon your soul!
Fuck that. I pray St Luigi finally inspires people to fight for themselves
Working hard doesnt scale. Work smart
Work smart means getting other people to do the work for you and keeping most of the profit for yourself.
That’s absolutely not what it means. As someone who went from homelessness to 6-figures, smart moves don’t require stomping on others.
Oh, but around here it does. No one gets ahead, no one succeeds, no one has money unless they stole or inherited it. You new here?
If you think six figures is who Lemmy is talking about when they say “the rich” you just aren’t listening.
Both are true, of course. Working smart is of course easier if you have options other than working at McDonalds vs. Burger King, and if you can grow in them. If you don’t have too many pressing needs that are so immediate that you can’t spend time on the side studying etc.
It’s good to be born with the privilege of being able to take time off or do your work in a smarter way, but that is a privilege not everyone has
It can be, but it doesnt have to be.
Tip positions are modern slave labour
Modern slavery is modern slave labor. This is poverty wages which is almost as bad, but slightly distinct
Funny how I never see servers bitching. Isn’t that strange? The very people who are victimized got nothing to say?
I worked IT for a payroll firm, saw the numbers. Those servers are making bank, if they’re any good. If not? Well fucking quit if you suck at it, find something you rock at.
At my college job, never saw so much green as the waitresses counting their rolls at the end of the night. LOL, whole front-of-the-house staff was blasted on coke. Those poor, penniless kids. :(
Tipped worker here. I made a little over $40 an hour last night not including my base pay. Is that around what slaves earn?
People complaining are people who can’t afford to tip, and that’s fine, but they can stop bitching on behalf of other people.
I would argue that if you can’t afford to tip then you can’t afford the thing you’re buying. It’s an implied part of the price. Labor has to get paid one way or the other
Let it be said that I think this only applies to traditionally tipped positions. The system is already in place. I don’t think we need to keep turning wage positions into tipped positions as seems to be the trend.
All agreed.
Why do I see so many slaves defending the system of tip slavery?
It’s not slavery. It’s genuinely insulting to people in actual slavery that still exist to call it as such
OK. Exploitation of labour then I guess.
Much better. Like there are literally child laborers and slaves throughout the chocolate industry. And that’s just one industry, there are millions of slaves still around unfortunately
Literally, yes. There’s a large difference
Just practically speaking, hard work alone doesn’t cut it. You need to figure out how to get enough money out for the labor you’re putting in. Goes without saying, for many people that’s impossible, especially with no financial wiggle room. On top of whatever inequalities are inherent to capitalism, the government’s also gone out of their way to completely rig the rules of the game.
Work more, worry less!
Unfortunately, there are still many of those who love working and don’t mind working long hours anyway. Some of them use work to forget their personal problems, some derive a sense of purpose-- the latter of whom are brainwashed by the right to love work. Kudos to those who work excessive hours, but the problem is that the owner-class wants the rest of us to follow suit and they don’t care if we would rather spend time on our hobbies or families outside of work.
some derive a sense of purpose-- the latter of whom are brainwashed by the right to love work
PEAK fucking lemmy. Jesus, you even angled in “the right”. Very good, except you didn’t put “capitalism” in there. B+
Maybe you saw my posts about giving up a high-paying IT career to sling rocks and mulch at Lowe’s for $15? I’m that guy. In three short weeks, I’m happier, healthier, and you know what? Get bent.
Since we’re all sane and fond of evidence:
In addition, retiring exactly at age 62 increases the odds of dying by 23 percent relative to men retiring at age 63 and by 24 percent relative to men retiring at age 64.
Guess what? We drop fucking dead without a purpose, and most of us find that in work we enjoy.
There is a difference between loving your work and being workaholic then getting paid peanuts for it; and then the boss expects others to do the same. There is a reason that employees hate over-achievers. I have been in places where we get like you. But at the end, you are not pleasing yourself, it is those at the top who will earn more than you ever will in your lifetime whom you are pleasing.
PEAK fucking lemmy. Jesus, you even angled in “the right”. Very good, except you didn’t put “capitalism” in there. B+
Fair enough. The far-left communists are also obsessed with work.
In addition, retiring exactly at age 62 increases the odds of dying by 23 percent relative to men retiring at age 63 and by 24 percent relative to men retiring at age 64.
Maybe because those who worked really hard in their younger years retire early, but it took more toll on their bodies than if they work more steadily. But what is the point of money if your body is too weak to enjoy the pension, and much of it goes to your healthcare, instead of enjoying a Caribbean cruise or a trip to see the Pyramids? I lost count on my fingers how many times I have read about and talked to elderly regretting that they worked excessively in their younger days. The physical injuries they received when they were younger act up again as their body could no longer hold up like before. On a more personal note, they regret not having spent more time doing other things like travelling or taking up hobbies when they were more able. I don’t know about you, but missing out a lot in life and regretting on my deathbed as an old person is a fate worse than death, and I have had near death experience before.
I’m not sure what you’re complaining about? Capitalism == the right