You’ve got to let the police do their jobs, number one. Number two, you have to do a policy of stop and frisk. When you see a guy coming down the street and you can — the police know every one of them. They know their middle name. They know where they live. They know every one of them, the local police, and they’re great.
You got to let them do their job, stop and frisk, and take their gun away. You’ve got to do it. If somebody has because they have all these guns — you know, it’s very interesting, the toughest gun law, the toughest, by far, in the whole United States is in Chicago, and yet it’s the most — it’s —
Let all your Republican 2Aer friends and family know.
Everybody calm down. There’s a reason that the 2Aers won’t get mad about this.
This is as racist of a dog whistle as you can get. Lots of people are aware “stop and frisk” really means “stop and frisk minorities and plant drugs and weapons when you can.”
So it’s perfectly in line with the “law and order” bullshit. Don’t expect a lot of anger about these comments. To the shitheads, these comments are directed at the “right” people. Cops wouldn’t stop and frisk them, they think, because cops know that they’re a law abiding citizen by the color of their skin.
Racists gonna fuckin racist, man. First gun control we ever got in the USA was because white people got freaked out by black people with guns.
You might be able to chip a few away by calling him a “gun grabber.” They probably won’t vote for Harris, but they won’t vote for Trump either. They might just sit it out.
Chip a few away here and a few away there… that might be all that’s needed.
Gun Grabbin’ Donnie
That’s G… r… a… b… b… i… n… Apostrophe
Grab em by the pistols
When you’re a cop they let you do it.
Grab 'em by the gun. You can do anything.
Grab 'em by the Glock.
Give them the ol’ Glock twist!
Fascists don’t win on facts and logic, they win on affect.
He says one thing about guns, but means something about hurting minorities. His electorate only cares about the second part. Literally anything you could argue about the first part is worse than useless, because through sheer power of denial they’ll revert to affect on this well-practiced talking point (”Trump love guns, Trump hate [insert slur here], Trump just like me"). You can’t win on this battlefield, no matter how objectively and obviously right you are.
That’s why “Trump is weird” is so unbelievably more effective than “Trump is a rapist”, “Trump is a fascist”, “Trump is a criminal” or “Trump is a traitor”. Pointing out his weirdness directly undermines his affect. “We’re not going back” calls back to the constant feeling of dread of his presidency. Ironically when dealing with humans, but especially when dealing with fascists, affect and core values are more important and less malleable than facts.
I literally just learned the word affect like… 4 hours ago, what the fuck?
That’s the Baader Meinhof Phenomenon (AKA the Frequency Illusion) -
This is something I learned about decades ago, but never really experienced. Now I see it all the time and it’s fucking weird. The simulation is breaking down
If we in a simulation, I hope that shit breaks all the way down.
They clearly forgot to install the Livin’ Large and Makin’ Magic expansions. Can we get an afterlife and some damn wizards up in here?
They probably won’t vote for Harris, but they won’t vote for Trump either.
This is actually possible. There’s a “don’t tread on me” type that has been using their yard as a political billboard for years and i just recently noticed that while they’re still anti- our current Democrat governer, they took down their pro-Trump stuff as well. Now there’s some sign about Jill Stein that’s up but seems a lot less flamboyant.
Gun Grabber Don? You mean the only 21st century American president to sign an unconstitutional gun ban?
I think we all agree on the middle path. Keep posting bc every single voter counts. And share relevant expectations with the community who may not be 100% knowledgeable of the nuance.
Same reason the NRA barely made a peep about Philando Castile. Licensed to carry a gun, dutifully announced that to the officer, and got killed for it. A year later they said that was a shame or something like that and then immediately forgot about it again. White agent of the state good, black gun owner bad. The conservative gun rights movement has always been motivated by racism.
Conservatism is “there must be outgroups for the law to bind but not protect, and in groups for the law to protect but not bind” manifests again, here.
To the shitheads, these comments are directed at the “right” people. Cops wouldn’t stop and frisk them, they think, because cops know that they’re a law abiding citizen by the color of their skin.
The joke is that it’s the same damned thing when Eric Adams or Beto ORourke suggests it.
Take the guns from the poors is always the subtext. You never talk about disarming the police or curtailing access to private security.
Republicans just want to be vigilantes. And they’re mad at Democrats when they can’t hunt people in their neighborhood for sport.
I’ve talked to a fair number of progressives who are perfectly fine allowing firearms ownership based solely on class and wealth. They too, want “gun control” based on class and wealth.
Yep - “the police know everyone of them”
Indeed. They see all black people as criminals, I’m sure they’re thinking “If we get him on a bullshit charge now, he can’t steal a bicycle to sell for more hoodjuice or whatever it is those rappers sing about.”
Newsflash: Dark Skin is not evidence of guilt, but try telling the cops that…
Read this comment before the article and thought it surely wouldn’t be as obvious as you’re stating.
Spoiler: with Chicago, it’s usually more obvious.
One day I will finally untangle my sense of obligation to give bigots the benefit of the doubt. Can’t wait but it’s a lot of work and self reflection.
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Like so:
They know he means “take guns from black people”. They support that.
What I came to say. They know precisely what he means and they support it wholeheartedly.
Republicans: You can never take our guns!
Trump: Take their guns!
I’m pretty sure the whole “the police know who they are, they know where they live, they know their middle name” bit means not-white-male.
So, it’s a 3-way tug-of-war between gun fanaticism, their reincarnated jesus, and racismIn my experience, if the police know who you are, where you live, etc, they also have a pretty good idea if you have a gun or not.
Yeah the frisking is code for police brutality
Republicans: yes I’m still voting for the face eating leopard party!
It wouldn’t be the first time. Like when Black Panthers were enjoying their 2nd Amendment rights. All of a sudden Republicans jumped on gun control.
Wouldn’t even be the first time for trump. He banned bump stocks via executive order after the Vegas shooting.
Good point. A ruling rolled back while the Democrats are ruling (albeit by the Supreme Court which heavily weights towards Republican).
The NRA must receive its blood sacrifice (and occasional payment from Russia).
Funny how a few weeks ago he was asskissing the NRA and gun community
Like anything with him, when the obvious happened now he’ll suddenly change his mind… and probably start saying something about Mexicans and “crooked Biden,” isn’t tough on crime which is why he got shot, etc
The NRA is awfully quiet all of a sudden…
They’ll just reshape it to “illegals with guns”
So what you’re saying is… you’re coming for their guns? Just making sure. OK.
No, obviously not the guns of real people, just the ones who get stopped and frisked by the police. Y’know… the ones you can tell are evil because they’re… y’know, wink wink nudge nudge “urban”.
So he’s calling for en mass racial profiling for a gun round up essentially only in Chicago. Jfc. This man is deranged. Bruh this would never happen.
Furthermore, can this man not put a sentence together? Like at all?
Imagine him trying to order something at McDonald’s drive through. He’d be like " I’d like a big Mac, great burger, excelle… ya know, the great people of Texas, their cattle, best cattle and let me tell you… also an apple pie, have, have you ever had an apple from Nebraska? Best appl… Anyway so I’m talking to the mayor of Lincoln, Lincoln Nebraska and he says, he says Mr president that apple this apple it’s for our troops and the troops are, it’s like I tell my kids… and on and on he goes until the drive through employee commits suicide via dipping head in deep fryer
Did I ever tell you about nuclear?
OP and everyone in the comments are pretending he’s talking about the 2nd amendment but he’s just talking about good old fashioned racism.
Yeah, he’s pretty clearly saying he wants police to selectively take guns from those they think are problem starters. Though it wouldn’t surprise me if he wants that group to include categories his wannabe shooter would have fit in, which probably will end up including many people he relies on for support.
Every time I read a quote from this idiot it hurts my brain. I could go on about how stop and frisk is a horrible, racist policy that is a violation of basic rights, but just reading anything he says is painful. His speech is so jarring, erratic, and logically flawed. I’ve listened to average second graders express their thoughts more eloquently than this piece of garbage.
My niece was 2 years old when she said “Uncle, I’m scared of the dark, but juice is in there.”
And she wanted one of those capri-sun juice packs. I told her there’s nothing to be scared of in the garage. She can leave the door open so she can see what she’s doing, but she should get the juice herself.
I expected to have to turn on the light, and maybe even get the juice for her, but I wanted to see how long until she asked for help.
Well, she was still scared, but she walked all the way in, picked up 2 juice packs, and came back inside.
I asked what the 2nd juice pack was for. She said “I got one for you!”
It was the proudest I’d ever been as an uncle. I taught her to face her fears, and in doing so she showed that even when scared she still thinks of others.
Which is more than I can say for trump and his way of thinking. He would have made the story into some self serving story where he battles a monster in the dark, and slayed a dragon, and everybody loves him. Meanwhile what actually happened is he got some underling to bring him the juice because he was too scared.
Whereas my neice faced her fear, overcame it, and thought of others while doing it. THATS real bravery! And more human growth than trump has ever displayed. Plus I actually understood what she was trying to convay. They may have been short sentences, but they were complete sentences. Plus they didn’t drift off halfway into some racist rant. Mostly because she isn’t racist and is raised better than that.
“My juice packs are the best juice packs. I was just talking to the inventor of the juice pack, Hannibal Lector, the other day and he says to me. He says, “Donnie,” he calls me Donnie because we’re that close, Hannibal Lector and I. So Hannie, I call him Hannie because we’re, like super duperly close, closer than brothers. So he, Hannibal Lector, inventor of the juice pack, he says, “Donnie, you always have the best juice packs. I don’t know how you do it, but yours are the best juice packs, and that’s why you should be president for life.” Very smart man, Hannibal Lector. Really, really smart.”
for a second I thought she was talking about oj lol
“Take the guns first, due process later”
Oh yeah it’s going to make him real popular with the second amendment people. LoL
I think it’ll be hilarious if Kamala Harris released a statement saying that unlike Trump she will never take your guns away. 🤣
FYI, that was a quote from prior to the 2016 election. Nobody cared when he said it then.
They absolutely did care. He had to walk it back. It created a lot of consternation from the alt-right and hardcore libertarian types.
They acted like they cared for 3 fucking seconds.
Please, my memory isn’t that bad. I was there, “walk it back” is not how I would describe it.
That’s not correct. It was from 2018, after the Stoneman Douglas shooting.
Not sure how the timing makes it any less of an obvious attack on Second Amendment rights. But I’ve seen MAGAs find weaker or more fictitious excuses to support worse positions, so I have no doubt you’ve seen them excusing this thing with that reason also.
Again, they pretended to care for 3 seconds.
Now that’s something I can agree with. None of them care about policy in the slightest. They care that he is a bigoted racist.
They have turned their brains off, if they were ever on in the first place. Back when I was on reddit I was arguing with so-called “libertarians” who claimed Donald would protect their gun rights. Of course I was banned because they are actually Repubs cosplaying as libertarians. Banning me was a violation of the NAP, BTW.
Oh yeah it’s going to make him real popular with the second amendment people. LoL
98% of them are completely unaware of this or know he’s only go after the other people and never theirs
I think it’ll be hilarious if Kamala Harris released a statement saying that unlike Trump she will never take your guns away.
While that would be a nice sting to the other side, that would alienate part of her base who are all for gun laws.
You can be pro gun law and still say “We aren’t going to take your guns.” Gun laws don’t prevent gun ownership and don’t enable confiscation of guns from lawful owners. They simply ensure that mentally unstable people or those with criminal backgrounds cannot buy one legally.
Actually even that gives him too much credit. He doesn’t care about due process for anyone but himself.
When someone like Trump says ‘later’ he really means ‘fuck you’
If they know these people are active criminals they will have no problem citing just cause for arrest and search.
I live in Canada, our gun rules are different than the USA. This week in my city some charges against a dangerous criminal were dropped because the police had a “flagrant disregard for charter rights” (according to the judge) (oir charter rights are similar to American civil rights)
They searched him improperly, and found a loaded, illegal gun. Charges dismissed. If they had handled it properly they could have made the charges stick. What a waste of everyone’s time. Police didn’t respect his rights because they don’t respect my rights.
In Canada pigs break the law & the charter & guess what happens to them? SAY IT LOUD ACAB
We expect criminals to break the law. We do not expect or support police that break the law.
When you see a guy coming down the street and you can — the police know every one of them. They know their middle name. They know where they live.
Like when we see a convicted felon coming down the street and we know his middle name is “John” and he lives in Palm Beach?
so, once again, Trump is talking about putting in place 2A restrictions. I guess he wants to be like Reagan.
Only for certain people, likely based upon race. The usual rules for some, not for others.
Just like Reagan
Reagan implemented gun control as well.
deleted by creator
One can dream
stop and frisk was awful but regular Republican voters don’t remember it because they’ve never lived in a city. most of what these idiots talk about has nothing to do with them at all
Regular republican voters dont remember it cause they were never a target for stop and frisk, because the melanin content in their skin isnt typically high enough to trigger cops.
I feel like I lose iq from reading this
The media and the people often do gymnastics to “translate trump” and interpret his dog whistle gibberish… STOP.
Don’t read into this, read it on it’s face and report it out to whoever - “trump wants to take your guns. Period.”
Its black and white , right from his weird mouth with the “old man foam” frothing up on the sides.