Honestly top is fucking awesome to look at.
I guarantee some Karen complained about the sexy Alice and that’s why it was removed
Notice the “For Lease” sign in the bottom picture. Probably what happened was the tenant who had commissioned the artwork moved out.
I saw something similar to this happen in my hometown. An artist collective had a space they were renting, and they had painted a huge mural on the wall outside. When they moved, a church took over the space, and they painted over the mural.
Well duh, Jesus hates colors.
Among other things, apparently
Ever since the gays stole the rainbow from god, grayscale is what they have to make do with.
It would have still been awesome with Alice being overtly sexual tbf. But then again people will always find something to complain about.
Well Alice was a 7-year-old, so yeah, that’s pretty gross.
Yep, I would have been honored to have that on the exterior of my business 😌
So are cocks, though.
I don’t care for sexualized depictions of Alice, considering the original character was seven years old, but the other ⅔ of it is pretty cool.
My home town in Sweden has started commissioning artists to paint murals like those in the top image on a lot of otherwise boring and ugly buildings, and I couldn’t be more proud. Really makes the town beautiful and unique.
One major reason cities do this is because most fellow spray can wielders will respect the existing work, thus resulting in a nicely painted instead of randomly tagged building.
I really detest dumbasses that put their stupid ass tag on legitimately good art. Nothing screams “desperate, talent-less hack” louder.
Some guy recently graffitied my mate’s warehouse with the word “CUNT”. However, he did it using some outlines and shading, so we couldn’t even be mad. Way better than somebody writing their signature in black
Thats hilarious. I like your style. I’ll also take an aesthetically pleasing cunt over that standard chicken scratch shit any day.
Theirs is the same impulse as a dog lifting his leg and doing a short piss on a wall to put their scent there.
Does it matter where they put their stupid ass tags on? Tags are just vandalism no matter where they’re put at
Whats interesting is that most people would consider the original to be art, and most people would consider just the cocks to not be art, but are the cocks with the statement of intent art or naw? If just the cocks are not art, and the cocks with the statement are, then do the cocks become art if the artist knows about the art that used to be there? Do they become art if the viewer knows about the cocks and infers the missing statement? That’s the interesting question here, because it implies that the piece can be art to one person who knows the context and not art to another person who is only aware of the cocks.
it’s art but not aesthetically pleasing art
That’s the kind I make.
Yeah, it feels kinda like OP is really wondering if what’s there now is just as good as what used to be there because it might still be labeled “art”. Not all art is equal, and I’d much rather have nice looking art than art that says “this used to look nice but now it’s just dicks”. But, given that some asshole decided to just paint over it with monocolour, I’d rather have that “fuck you” than to see it left blank.
I hope the 2nd artist has the determination to put it back if the owners try to get rid of it again, but the patience to wait until they stop watching it so they don’t get caught. Or make them spend money on a surveillance system and someone to monitor it but still put it back one or two lines at a time. Until the owners have an aneurysm and it eventually ends up in the hands of someone more chill.
I find that it makes most sense to me to answer “is this and that art”-questions with a yes by default. Is it made by a human with the intent to convey a message? Art. Any other approach always seems to end in questions of taste.
So is marketing material art? Is it art if the message is “give me money” or “buy this product?”
While I don’t like that particular art form and choose not to look at it whenever possible, I’d say yes. A lot of art tries to get you to think, feel or do something and I don’t see how this is fundamentally different, even though it seems a little sick at first. From the perspective of, say, the graphic designer for the ad campaign, it might very well be art.
There’s nothing more avant-garde than embracing surface-level materialism
“Art is what you think it is.”
Never lost an argument with that one.
But there are so many people who are so confident in saying things that easily fit the definition you propose are “not art”
Just because there are many doesn’t mean they are right (I don’t mean to offend). Art, I believe, is not in the eye of the beholder, but in the thought of the creator.
“Art is art because is is art and not because we say that it is art.” - Hoid, Words of Radiance, Brandon Sanderson
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It’s art as long as the one who draws them has a message to deliver (besides “hehe, I’m drawing cocks on a wall”)
what makes “hehe I’m drawing cocks on the wall” invalid? let’s examine a situation where the person who painted the cocks didn’t know that there used to be traditional art there, but I do. I see the cocks, think about what used to be there before someone “fixed” it, and I receive a message even if none was intended. Is it art in that case? If it is, did the person who just wanted to doodle some dongs create it, or did I?
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The clueless case is invalid because it’s strictly a descriptive/self-apparent exercise – lest every single act become art, thus depriving art of meaning. I don’t have an authoritative answer to your second question, but I’d argue you’ve created an ephemeral, individual piece of art.
Exactly. The message here is more along the lines of “pity this was painted over so boringly, this is what you get”. It is not just a wall, it is the wall with the original artwork still underneath a thin layer of paint. I call art. Even with just the “hehe”, I’d say it still has the old meaning of any mark made on purpose anywhere: “I was here.” (That seems to be the main point of tagging.)
I too just listened to the podcast on post-modern art
^^^ This cock is not art
Ceci n’est pas une cock
If there is anything in French I am confident of without consulting a dictionary is that the male genial will come with a male definite article.
Examine your assumptions. Don’t be une bite.
I stand corrected and am, once again, confused by the French.
If it makes you feel any better I only bothered to look because I studied Spanish for a few years and was once wrong about the same thing. Several dialects have words for “cock” that use the feminine article.
Would you mind sharing a link?
Oh it’s just “stuff you should know” on postmodernism.
To me, what would make it art is a little statement on the side for the viewer to discern who the cock artist was, when it was painted and materials used, and the vision behind it.
It would be honestly pretty great if all these had really neatly stenciled little signatures under them all.
This is just as modern art works today.
The funny thing is that it all began as a revolt against old art for being too elitist, but now regular folks cannot enjoy todays art because they are esthetically awful and would need a full book collection to understand why that piece of rotten banana is art, so just the elite can enjoy it. The rest just pretend to look fancy
It’s the Duchamp problem. He said “You guys are so far up your own asses that you’ll piss in a urinal if it’s in the bathroom but you’ll praise me as a genius if I move that same urinal to the gallery” and the art world was like “Joke’s on you, fucker, I’ll start the bidding at $1.2 million for the pisser!”
Petition to normalize painting vulvas on walls by learning to draw a vulva and putting it on walls.
In my neighborhood for a while someone (probably a group of people) were sticking vulva drawings everywhere. Building walls, lamp post, mail box, etc. They were all unique and hand drawn too.
That artwork is incredible…
And incredibly arousing.
Especially the eyes
Paint vaginas around potholes to make your city fill them faster
The part you see is the vulva
Much like the term balls, which are only on the inside, has come to be colloquially used as a synecdoche for “testicles and scrotum”, vagina gets used the same way to encompass “vagina and vulva”. Besides, the clinical definition of vulva includes the vaginal opening, so it’s not exactly a huge leap to the colloquialism.
Yeah yeah, but vulva is the whole bouquet and I’m doing my part to change the mindset
Vul-va! Vul-va! Vul-va! lol
I was going to “ackshually” and post a (disclaimered) medical image poking fun at the word “hole” but, as it turns, porn has completely superseded medical images of the vagina on most search engines. An internal view of penetrative sex isn’t my kink but it’s apparently a common one.
Already a regular occurrence in Finland.
I love how they call it ‘church boat’.
Fancy vulvacon: {'}
I like {'}
What about {(i)}
You go ahead and learn to draw female genitals – not easy.
After a first attempt, I must admit you are right. They also really don’t look the same from person to person.
Neither do dicks, really. You just need a stylized symbol that everyone can recognize.
True. Here is the most simplistic yet (hopefully) recognizable symbol I could come up with:
Isn’t that just Georgia O’Keefe without the canvas and the pretense of flowers? 😛
Yeah we had some legend turn one of our sewage aeration pipe outlets into a Mario flower, whole city went nuts over it.
Removed within 48hrs because it “wasn’t authorized”
Fucking joke.
It’s BS. They converted several city owned buildings in the last city I lived in to open face “mural invites.” Best thing ever. Every city should try it. Beautiful art all over.
My city has a huge bridge which is designated as graffiti area. Government even gives them paint sometimes. We use to have yearly competitions on it. These days every now and then new work shows up, but it’s mostly inactive. That said, people are still allowed to paint there. It looks great what otherwise would be boring gray slab of concrete.
I want this to be the standard, I love seeing artsy kids/teens making murals instead of shitty tags everywhere.
Should have painted cocks on it in retribution.
Good idea, I’ll go past Bunnings on the weekend ;)
That was actually cool art too, not those shitty tags with letters you can’t even read
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I wouldn’t want the leftmost painted on the side of my house, the rest are okay tho
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tbh yeah
It’s easier to explain to people than why I have some kinky sex game character painted there.
It’s Alice in wonderland
I don’t think Alice’s heaving breasts and skin tight clothes are canon…
It is in the 2011 version (with Nvidia Physx [feat. Dante from Devil May Cry™])
Alice is a 7 year old girl. That is way, way worse.
Alice is seven years old, dude.
Depends on the adaptation, in the Burton movie she’s 19
explain to people
Which people?
The other people in the world??
The fuck kinda question is that?
All due respect, if I saw that painting on the side of a house, or even a painting I don’t like come to that, I am not looking for an explanation.
I don’t know what to tell you, everyone I speak to who’s seen it would get an explanation that I hadn’t paid for a kinky childhood character to be painted on the side of my house and I don’t want it there…
Ahhh, I understand. It’s your choice to have whatever you want on your home.
The Mad Hatter with his dick out would be pretty hilarious, honestly.
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Especially since Alice was 7.
She’s clearly not here
Drawing a child character as a sexualized adult is weird and I wouldn’t want it on my streets
I think it’s pretty harmless in this case. There are plenty of renditions of the Alice story with an older Alice and the story in general has become pretty synonymous with other adult topics (for example the general psychedelic aesthetic) that I don’t really connect it with the original character much.
But I can see how some other people might see it differently, so I guess it’s a fair call to not want it publicly shown.
even if she’s 18 I wouldn’t wanna see that shit it’s just kinda trashy
That’s just subjective. I quite like the whole wall way better how it was than blank.
as opposed to cocks
Do you even know the canon age of those cocks!?! :D
Those might be the cocks of children, the cocks of men with severe mental disabilities unable to consent, or the cocks of the most hated warlords and dictators in the history. You’re displaying them for the world, you monster!
Oh … so definitely not each their own sentient entity walking, waddling, and bouncing around exploring the world?
Look at them little cocks go, so bravely venturing into the unknown …
It probably doesn’t make you feel any different about it, but I’m 99% sure it’s from an adult comic series that put a darker twist on a lot of fairy tales.
which one of the 5 gazillion versions of the story? Pretty sure she isn’t seven in the tim burton version…
Oh, I don’t know, maybe the Disney version which she is dressed the same as. Very similar design. Context clues and all.
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I would only have the leftmost … the Goofy-Blinky hybrid with a chain kink is just weird/too random to make much sense (or probably it’s just me not getting something)
Funny? More like sad.
Where’s the street sign in the top one?
Two options
The extreme angle difference and/or focal length difference in the cameras pushes it out of frame from the photographer’s perspective.
Some chucklefuck stole it.
You can see by the sidewalk lines the the angle is pretty drastically different. That plus a differing focal length would explain it, as well as the dramatically different visual size of the wall.
- photoshop
Sign probably came around the same time as the paint job during a little gentrification of the neighborhood.
Probably want there but if you zoom in you can see the pipes as well as the crack on the sidewalk line up.
My highschool did something like this. There was a massive memorial dedicated to a African charity event we did. New headmaster came and the fucker god rid of it.
This is true every time there’s a change of hands of power. The new leader busy assert themselves about their role, and reorganize a system, even if it’s perfectly functional. What is good must go, for the zealot has need of your suffering.
Top left has some crazy pelvic anatomy.
It’s literally on shrooms
Also what’s going on with the dress, is there wind from below?
She’s a little gassy
I’m 90% convinced her pelvis is correct – her boobs and legs are angled wrong, though.
Banksy’s getting a bit more on the nose.
Still not used to a community called “funny” actually being funny. Lemmy is weird.
From someone who draws comics, general comedy\humor is quite difficult to make for the general audience. Different people find different things funny all around the world. To “hit one out of the park” is rare. And funny-all-the-time is virtually impossible. A universal oddity. 👍
Nnnnice cock
Alice reminds me of hookup boards
hookup boards?
Skateboard decks